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Sept. 7, 2018

TPW 074: Matthew W. Quinn on Selling Books in Person

Matthew W. Quinn dreamed of writing since childhood. After getting a degree in journalism, and writing for a local newspaper, things went south. He lost his job, pivoted careers, and yet never gave up the pursuit of living his author dreams. Quinn has...

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Aug. 31, 2018

TPW 073: How to Start a Writing and Publishing Business?

Are you ready to take your writing to the next level? In this episode, Ryan shares his Two Page Publishing Business Plan for shifting from a hobbyist writer to building an empire with your words. Ryan walks through step-by-step the vital questions to...

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Aug. 24, 2018

TPW 072: Anne Perreault on Staying True to Your Message

Anne Perreault grew up moving  around the world from Germany to Dubai to Vermont. Despite her family moving multiple times she never gave up the dream of becoming a writer. After raising a family of her own, and working a variety of jobs, Anne is...

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Aug. 17, 2018

TPW 071: C.S. Johnson on Genre Hopping and Loving It

C. S. Johnson is the author of several young adult novels, including sci-fi and fantasy adventures such as the Starlight Chronicles series, the Once Upon a Princess saga, and the Divine Space Pirates trilogy. Ryan and C.S. explore the pros and cons of...

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Aug. 10, 2018

TPW 070: Jay Sigler on Bootstrapping Your First Novel

Debut author Jay Sigler discusses his first book Train Thoughts. Jay chipped away for years on his morning commute for what would become his first novel. Ryan and Jay discuss the ways Jay bootstrapped his first novel with little knowledge of...

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Aug. 3, 2018

TPW 069: Maria Dismondy on Choosing the Right Publishing Path

Nationally recognized author Maria Dismondy is dedicated to inspiring and empowering children. She has authored seven children’s books, made more than 400 speaking appearances, and is a presenter and publisher. Maria holds an M.A. in education, and...

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July 20, 2018

TPW 068: Russell Blake on Lessons Learned After 60+ Books

Featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Times, and The Chicago Tribune, Russell Blake is The NY Times, WSJ, and USA Today bestselling author of dozens of action/adventure, mystery, thriller, and Sci-Fi novels. After sixty books, Russell and Ryan...

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July 13, 2018

TPW 067: Pen Names, Consolidation, and Updates

In this episode, Ryan explores the use of pen names. Many voices in the writing community have divergent opinions on the subject. Ryan explains why he uses multiple pen names. What he's learning about "open" pen names. When pen names are necessary,...

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June 22, 2018

TPW 066: Casey Cease on Partnership Publishing

Casey Cease is the Founder and CEO of Lucid Books. As an author, pastor, and speaker who has published his own book, Casey knows first-hand the importance of partnering with a team of experts to edit, publish, and market your book. He started Lucid...

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June 8, 2018

TPW 065: Joe R. Lansdale on Do the Work

Prolific writer Joe R. Lansdale, has written novels and stories in many genres, including Western, horror, science fiction, mystery, and suspense. He has also written for comics as well as "Batman: The Animated Series." As of 2018, he has written 45...

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May 25, 2018

TPW 064: Jake Bible on Four Weeks to a Finished Novel

He's back! Jake Bible, Mr. Prolific himself, the one who kicked off this podcast in 2016, is back with the writer goods. Jake and Ryan discuss his new book, Four Weeks to Finished, and how he writes a novel a month. Yeah, that's right! Bible also...

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May 18, 2018

TPW 063: Alexander Grant and the Power of Good Covers

Alexander Grant, author of the popular King's Lion series leapt into writing and publishing, like many do: passionate, eager, and naive. Grant shares his experiences as he launched his first series into the world. The main point of contention being...

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May 4, 2018

TPW 062: Joanna Penn on Becoming a Healthy Writer

Joanna Penn is a prolific writer of bestselling fiction and nonfiction works. In this episode, Ryan and Joanna discuss her new book: The Healthy Writer. One of the most neglected aspects for writers is their mental, emotional, spiritual, and emotional...

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April 27, 2018

TPW 061: Kerry J Donovan on Writing Action Thrillers

Kerry J. Donovan has quietly built a raving fan base across the world. His police procedurals, and action thrillers, are flying off the shelves, with no end in sight. But Kerry's success was not always in slinging words. He spent the bulk of his life...

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April 13, 2018

TPW 060: Steven K. Smith on Middle Grade Fiction

Steven K. Smith loved telling stories to his three boys. He had no idea these stories would allow him to become an author. Smith hails from Virginia, and writes middle grade fiction set in his hometown. His Virginia Mysteries allowed him to quit his...

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March 30, 2018

TPW 059: Michael Anderle on Writing Books People Want to Read

Micheal Anderle is a Sci-Fi and Fantasy author who never dreamed of the success come his way. His runaway hit series Kutherian Gambit exceeded his humble expectations to put it lightly. In this episode Ryan and Michael discuss what makes a book worth...

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March 16, 2018

TPW 058: Michael Bunker on Writing Amish Sci-Fi and Living Off Grid

Michael Bunker is a prolific Sci-Fi writer living off-off grid in Central Texas. After a successful book on living off grid Bunker tried his hand at fiction. As they say, the rest is history. In this interview Ryan and Michael discuss the ups and...

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March 2, 2018

TPW 057: Can Christians Only Write Amish Romance Novels?

In this episode Ryan explores the role of faith in writing. Can Christians and people of faith write only "family friendly" books? Are people of faith supposed to only write for the church? What's the deal with Amish Romance? Listen in, as Ryan gives...

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Feb. 9, 2018

TPW 056: Anna Sabino on Creative Careers

Anna Sabino left the 9-5 on Wall Street to pursue her creative dreams. She not only did it, but wrote a book on how you can do it too. Anna and Ryan explore the balance of creativity and business, why keeping the day job is good, and much, much, more....

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Jan. 19, 2018

TPW 055: Tim Spykstra on Writing in the Christian Market

Tim Spykstra is the founder and president of Oceans Ministries. A nonprofit with a mission to bring the Father's love to spiritual and physical orphans in Africa and around the world. Ryan and Tim discuss his entry into writing books and the...

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Jan. 5, 2018

TPW 054: Bringing Back the Fun of Writing in 2018

We're back! In the first episode of 2018, Ryan discusses a writing goal most writers neglect. Instead of agonizing over word counts, books published, newsletter subscribes, fans, or royalties in the bank. Get back to what motivated your writing in the...

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Dec. 22, 2017

TPW 053: Jovan Mackenzy on Writing Hip Hop Music

Ryan sits down with up and coming Hip Hop artist Jovan Mackenzy. They discuss Jovan's tough upbringing and his inspiration for music and art. Why art is one of the better mediums to communicate hard truth, writing process, role of faith in creating...

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Dec. 15, 2017

TPW 052: Chuck Buda on Never Giving Up the Dream

Horror author Chuck Buda revisits the show to share his journey of the last year, from writing full time, to going back to the day job. One thing is for certain the writing dream is still alive as ever. Chuck and Ryan discuss writing with day jobs,...

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Dec. 8, 2017

TPW 051: S.D. Smith on Writing for Children

S.D. Smith has lived an interesting life. From growing up in rural West Virginia, to South Africa in the middle of apartheid, and back to West Virginia. Now, Smith writes for children and burst onto the scene with his Green Embers series. In this...

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