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Jan. 26, 2023

TAOPA #002: Particulars, Universals, and the Pursuit of Wonder

In this episode, Ryan talks about finding truth in the most unexpected places. Why we find universality in the particular stories, experiences, and Truth all around us. Ryan also talks about wonder and why it’s essential to a...

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Jan. 18, 2023

TAOPA #001: Art, Activism, Creativity, and Faith

In the first episode of The Art of Paying Attention Podcast , Ryan talks about the connection between art, activism, creativity, and faith. You can’t have one without the other. In every cultural moment addressing social inju...

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Jan. 5, 2023

TPC #030: Steve Kidd on Writing Bestsellers

In this episode Ryan interviews author, business coach, and entrepreneur Steve Kidd. Steve is helping people get their books and voice into the world. Kidd has made hundreds of his clients bestselling authors. In this intervi...

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Dec. 2, 2022

TPC #029: Troy Lambert on Plottr Software

Do you plot, pants, or something in between when writing your books? On the show today is Troy Lambert the primary educator for Plottr Software. Troy is also a freelance writer, mystery author, multi-genre editor, and non-fic...

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Nov. 22, 2022

TPC #028: Deborah Smith on Healthy Living for the Creative

Deborah Smith earned a degree in holistic health coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2006 and opened her own vegan catering company, Green Pirate Juice , in 2007. Over those 15 years, Deborah had the privil...

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Nov. 11, 2022

TPC #027: Daniel Kraus on Writing About Hot Button Issues

DANIEL KRAUS is a New York Times bestselling author. His collaboration with legendary filmmaker George A. Romero, The Living Dead, was acclaimed by The New York Times and The Washington Post. With Guillermo del Toro, he co-au...

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Oct. 27, 2022

TPC #026: Joe Phoenix on Leaving a Legacy

Joe Phoenix is a co-founder and CEO of Givinga, a Boston-based financial technology firm that is removing barriers to philanthropy by providing open access to modern tools. Givinga’s Philantech® platform allows companies, pla...

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Oct. 26, 2022

TPC #025: R.I.P. Jay Wilburn: Remembering Our Friend

In this episode, Ryan remembers his friend, and fellow writer Jay Wilburn, who passed away last week. Jay was a "prolific" writer and a vital member of the horror and indie writing community. He was a beloved husband and fath...

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Sept. 8, 2022

TPC #024: Matt Briel on Marketing as Making Friends

Commonly described as equal parts loud music, Disney culture, tattoos, and book nerd, Matt Briel is an entrepreneur and the Vice President of Marketing & Communications at Lulu.com , as well as a self-diagnosed collaboration ...

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Aug. 30, 2022

TPC #023: Matt Spielman on Finding Your Unique Fit

Matt Spielman is an executive and organizational coach and the founder and head coach of Inflection Point Partners. Matt’s journey into coaching and the methodology and philosophy of his work is laid out in his recently relea...

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Aug. 16, 2022

TPC #022: Eleonora Bartoli and Ali Michael on Writing on Social Hot B…

As the Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, Ali Michael, Ph.D. works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, Whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educ...

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Aug. 4, 2022

TPC #021: Alinka Rutkowska on Selling Books

Alinka Rutkowska is a USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, CEO of Leaders Press, and a top 100 Amazon bestselling author in business and money. She’s sold more than 100,000 copies of her books and her book cr...

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July 27, 2022

TPC #020: Mary Adkins on Using Existing Skills to Create

Mary Adkins is a novelist, recovered lawyer, and a mother. She traded in her Ann Taylor pantsuits to enter the wild west of fiction writing, She read tomes about the craft of storytelling. Mary memorized devices like Chekhov’...

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July 9, 2022

TPC #019: Abigail Morrison on Telling the Truth

Abigail Morrison is a creative writer who’s been telling stories for over a decade. She loves stories that feature grace and redemption, ask questions (without necessarily answering them), and point toward possibility. Her de...

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July 4, 2022

TPC #018: Jim Laughren on Fighting Wine Snobbery

Jim Laughren loves wine. And has for a very long time. He is a former importer and distributor of fine wines from around the world. He is also a Certified Wine Educator who has both taken and taught dozens of classes and semi...

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June 20, 2022

TPC #017: Dan Werb on the Power of Story

Dan Werb, PhD, is a writer and epidemiologist, with faculty positions in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health at the University of California San Diego and at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto....

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June 16, 2022

TPC #016: Emily English Medley on Honest Art

When Emily English Medley wrote her debut novel From the Moon I Watched Her, she knew it would push some buttons perhaps in a negative direction. But art is about being honest, and in this conversation Emily and Ryan explore the dark parts of...

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April 25, 2022

TPC #015: Aaron Poochigian on All Things Poetry

AARON POOCHIGIAN earned a PhD in Classics from the University of Minnesota and an MFA in Poetry from Columbia University. His thriller in verse, Mr. Either/Or, was released by Etruscan Press in the fall of 2017. A recipient of an NEA Grant in...

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April 19, 2022

TPC #014: Emily Crookston on Ghostwriting

Emily Crookston spent a bunch of years mucking around creating marketing content before Emily realized she's better suited to longform writing. Since launching her business, Emily has worked with dozens of clients ranging from professionals in...

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Nov. 30, 2021

TPC #013: Daniel Grothe on Why Place Matters?

Daniel Grothe is a writer, pastor, and musician from Colorado Springs, Colorado. He is a proud husband to Lisa, and has three amazing kids: Lillian, Wilson, and Wakley. Daniel has written a new book called: "The Power of Place: Choosing Stability in a...

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Nov. 17, 2021

TPC #012: Samantha Hanni on Editing

Samantha Hanni is a writer, blogger, and freelance editor. She has helped over 60 authors get their manuscripts ready for publication. In this episode, Ryan and Samantha explore what to look for in an editor, Samantha's reader-first approach to...

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Nov. 3, 2021

TPC #011: Vikrant Shaurya on Writing Bestselling Books

Vikrant Shaurya is the Founder/CEO of bestsellingbook.com. Over the years, Vikrant and his team have helped hundreds of authors write popular and bestselling books. In this episode, Ryan and Vikrant talk about how to write a winning outline, the...

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Oct. 21, 2021

TPC #010: Jason A. Meuschke on Staying the Course

A native Missourian and US Air Force Veteran, Jason stays busy in both his professional and personal life. He's a devoted family man, has a day job he still enjoys, hosts a weekly podcast, and makes time to write anywhere, and everywhere that he can....

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Oct. 12, 2021

TPC #009: Rediscovering Play and Hobby in Our Work

In this episode, Ryan explores the need for play in our work. Somewhere along the line we'll succumb to short term thinking, and forget about the long term reasons we create things. What does it mean to incorporate play, awe, and wonder into our work?...

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